Ants, Bees, Genomes & Evolution @ Queen Mary University London


Personal Projects

cocoadevcentral.plugin A plug-in for Inferiis’ MacReporter and timeSaver A screensaver for MacOS X. Because knowing what time it is can help. iConvert Images A droplet for MacOS X. Based on imageMagick, it lets you convert image files to and from a huge number of image formats preview ExcellGene is a recent biotech spin-off from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Lausanne. They have some very exciting protein production technology. I designed and implemented and maintain their internet presence. previewA great French aquarelle painter’s web site. She happens to be my mom as well! The challenge in making this site is that it needed to be distributable in a stand-alone version, ie. on CD-ROM without internet connection or sql-server. Javascript isn’t supported by not-so-recent browsers, so I ended up using some perl scripts, some XML files (describing the paintings) and used the project as an excuse for learning XSL (to transform the data into static x-html). For the online-version, several php-forms were added.

Bebetes Project Along with 5 others… Les Fourmis

Projet Regulation Ok. This isn’t code. But Am,ao?(C)lie V,ao?(C)ron and I spent a lot of time on the computer for it! It’s an attempt at modeling part of E. coli’s global regulation, using a tool called Genetic Network Analyzer, developed at Helix Inria. We did this as part of a fourth-year project at Insa de Lyon. (more info in the pdf file’s intro). This is it. Timepark 2003-2004 first semester project: an edo-based modeling framework (C++) and graphical end-user app (Obj-C).

Source code A perl script to convert .mpc audio files to .mp3 files. Requires mppdec and lame, both can be obtained through fink. Usage: perl *.mpc. Script needs to be renamed to Has been run on Mac OS X 10.3 with a fink perl installation.

November 18, 2006